Workout Of The Day: Monkey Chest
Chest Day
50 shoulder presses with PVC or wood stick
1-minute plank into 30 seconds of mountain climbers
Incline Bench — 4 sets — 12 to 15 reps, complete the last set then pushups to failure without rest.
Incline Dumbell Fly’s — 4 sets — 15 to 20 reps, plank in between sets
Flat Dumbell Press — 4 sets — 6 to 8 reps, minimal rest between sets
Accessory Movements
Diamond Pushups— 2 sets — Failure
Behind The Head Tricep Extension — 4 sets — 12 to 15 reps
Tricep Dumbell Kickbacks — 4 sets — 12 to 15 reps
Weighted Situps — 2 sets — 10 to 12 reps, as heavy as possible
Side Bends With Kettlebell — 2 sets— 15 to 20 reps
Windshield Wipers — 2 sets — Failure
It's Monday, it's chest day. Don’t overdo it but don't sandbag your workout either. Keep your workout between 30–45 minutes. The shorter, the more intense, the better. Staying in the gym for too long is like hanging out in Starbucks past your caffeine high. At some point more is not more.
The Iron Gods love those who worship intermittently.